the balls on my chest

There is a cliche’ saying if there is a will there is a way.

Never has it been more true than when Bryce Mcgain took the field for the Australians yesterday.

There is also another saying, ‘Behind every  unknown leg spinner destined for glory is a devoted cricket blogger’.

Ya, that one.

That’s the story about our own Uncle Jrod. Australian blogger with a mind as twisted as that Austrian bugger who enslaved his daughter.

But in a good way.

I had heard about Bryce before I ran into that blog we all secretly wish we authored –  But the kind of affection for Bryce over at Jrods was not natural.

Some wandered if Jrod was batting for the otherside. Others wandered if Jrod was in fact Nice Bryce himself.

We soon realised the latter was not true. The former still hasn’t been answered.

Jrod was the artist and Bryce was his muse.

When Bryce was on the verge, Jrod was nervous and we were nervous with him.

When Bryce bled, Jrod bled with him. We reached for the razors without question.

When Bryce rose from the Ashes, Jrod’s spirit rekindled and we dared to dream again.

And when Bryce made his debut, Jrod somehow made the cricketwithballs tshirt magically appear on my doorstep.

Was it a coincidence or had Jrod planned it to perfection. We will never know.

But thats what I call good timing.

Here is me wearing the balls on my chest with pride on the balls ultimate day in the sun.

Ze Balls, they be on my chest
Ze Balls, they be on my chest


  1. Nick said:

    Notice that Jrod isn’t around at CWB today as Bryce is getting hit for almost 10 runs an over… coincidence…..

    March 21, 2009
  2. Rob said:

    Bryce isn’t wearing his balls on his chest — he has gone to the brewery to ask if he can have his ball back. At least … things can only get better.

    March 21, 2009
  3. I feel for this Bryce character… and he is Australian. There’s something wrong with that. Wear it with pride tomorrow Damith. It might work. Maybe… Perhaps…

    March 21, 2009

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